This program, referred to as HCV, is a rental assistance program designed to give low to moderate income families the opportunity to rent an apartment in the private market, while paying 30% of their income toward rent. As with all of our HUD funded programs, participants must qualify as income eligible, with the household income being no greater than 80% of Area Median Income. Participants are required to sign a one-year lease initially, after which the resident and landlord have the option of renewing each year on the anniversary date of move-in.The Housing Authority currently operates this program in the cities of Newport, Bellevue and Fort Thomas. All apartments must be inspected and pass Housing Quality Standards, as well as any local applicable codes.
Landlords participating in this program operate their Section 8 rental units just as they would any other rental unit. We encourage all landlords to check references prior to leasing any unit to a resident with a Voucher. Section 8 participants are expected to abide by all lease provisions set forth by the landlord. For more information about rental assistance, or if you are a property owner who is interested in participating as a landlord on the program, please contact our office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 859-581-2533. You may also contact the program coordinator.
Contact Information
Jodie Reckers
859-581-2533 (Ext. 216)
Occupancy Specialist
Amy Thornton
859-581-2533 (Ext. 219)
​​FSS Manager
Barbara Wright-Ide
859-581-2533 (Ext. 294)
Inspection Specialist
859-581-2533 (Ext. 206)
Open Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Neighborhood Foundations
30 East 8th Street
P.O. Box 72459
Newport, KY 41072
Phone: (859) 581-2533
TDD line: (859) 581-3181
Fax: (859) 581-9009

Cincinnati,OH-KY-IN PMSA FY 2024 Income Limits
80% AMI Limit
Mission Statement
To provide and develop quality, affordable housing opportunities while revitalizing our neighborhoods!